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Physically challenging, fun for everyone with a bit of a competitive spirit

6-60 participants of all ages and for both boys and girls

Perfect for primary school classes as part of PE, at youth clubs, after-school activities, team building etc.

Hold inddeles
Taktik og uddeling af kort
Spillet er gået i gang og de 2 hold løber mod hinanden.
Jagten er gået ind
Jagten er i gang
Duellerne bliver udkæmpet
Taktikken finpudses
Mere jagt
En duel vundet :-)
Et spil for både piger og drenge
Jagten intensiveres
Mere jagt
Duellen finder sin vinder
Juvelen er fundet...

Reception class plays The Jewel Hunt

"A very integrative game that can be played by both girls and boys across ages"

"Clip of The Jewel Hunt in a hall"

The Jewel Hunt is a physically challenging game, where teamwork and tactics are paramount. Two teams are selected, strategies are laid out, and the hunt for the jewel can start.

Two equal teams are selected, along with the tactics and then the hunt for the opposing team jewel starts.

If you succeed in capturing the jewel, your team will win. But before this happens, a lot of exciting duels will take place.

You will learn as well as having fun - for children of all ages.

The Jewel Hunt can also be played sitting down. Cards are dealt in number of participants. Each participant in the game turn cards simultaneously and the card with the highest points win the duel.  The game is continued until a player has all the cards and has therefore won the game. The "Wraiht card" wins against the "Elf card".

Sune Haugaard,

Kessel Alle 38, 2791 Dragør

Tlf.: 60444779                                     CVR: 40226338

E-mail: jagtjuvelen@stormrodaktivlaering.dk

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